Community Celebrations

Photo Credit: Kamran Safari, 2023

Past Events

2023- February 22nd: Heritage Hall- 6th PTM Community Celebration

Sponsors: Mount Pleasant Business Improvement Association, All India Sweets and Restaurant, Prado Café, courtesy of Tara Sidhoo Fraser

Storytellers: City Councilor Pete Fry, Militant Mothers of Raymur, Japanese Canadian Hastings Park Interpretive Centre Society, Fiona Lam, Leona Lam, and Aaron Chapman. Music by the Annie Molesworth Quintet.

Tables: Arts Club Theatre Society, Association of Neighbourhood Houses, BC Sports Hall of Fame, China Creek Skatepark, Chinese Canadian Historical Society of BC, Chinese Canadian Museum, Daughters in the City (Mennonite Maids), the Francophone Village, Friends of the Archives, Forbidden Vancouver Walking Tours, Grandview Heritage Group, Joe Fortes – Hastings Mill Museum, Heather Heritage Society, Heritage Vancouver Society, Historic Joy Kogawa House, Hogan’s Alley Society, Japanese Canadian Hastings Park Interpretive Centre Society, King George High School Archives, McSpadden Park Society, Militant Mothers of Raymur, Pacific Canada Heritage Centre- Museum of Migration, Roedde House Museum, Vancouver Historical Society, VanDusen Botanical Garden Association (VanDusen Garden and Bloedel Conservatory). Chinatown Storytelling Centre, Vancouver Fruit Tree Project and Katarina Thorsen’s “JOSEPH- the Prologue”, JQT Vancouver – The BC Jewish Queer & Trans Oral History Project” and Christine Hagemoen- Historic Walking Tours of Mount Pleasant.

2022- February 23rd: 5th Community Celebration- virtual 

Storytellers: Mack Paul, Councillor Colleen Hardwick, Alysa Routtenberg, Randy Clark and Keiko Honda.

2021- February 16th: 4th Community Celebration- virtual 

Storytellers: Alec Guerin, Mack Paul, Councillor Adriane Carr, Carmen Correal and Adriana Contreras Correal, Tara Fraser, and Dr. Imogene Lim.

2020- February 19th: 3rd Places That Matter Community Celebration at Heritage Hall

Storytellers: Alec Guerin, Councillor Kirby-Young, Donald Luxton, Rob Howatson, Leona Lam, Sasaki Family, Jan Tollefsen, Erika and Kate Gerson

Tables: Asian Canadian Asian Migration Studies UBC & INSTRCC (Initiative for Student Teaching and Research in Chinese Canadian Studies at UBC), African Descent Festival Society, BC Golf House Society, BC Heritage Fairs Society, BC Labour History Society, BC Sports Hall of Fame, Celtic Cannery and Shipyards Communities, Chinese Canadian Historical Society of BC, City of Vancouver Archives, Don Luxton (Heritage Bridges), Dr. Sun-Yat Sen Classical Chinese Garden, False Creek Watershed Society, Friends of the Vancouver City Archives, Gerson Family (Unitarian Church), Heather Heritage Society & VGH School of Nursing Alumnae Association, Heritage Hall Preservation Society, Jason Vanderhill (Future History Endeavors), Jewish Museum and Archives of BC, John Oliver Legacy Society, Kits Neighbourhood House, Loretta Lynn Chicken Coop & South Vancouver History (Rob Howatson), MAU Collective (Nellie Yip Quong), Mount Pleasant Heritage Group, Nikkei National Museum and Archives, Punjabi Market Renegeration Society,Stanley Park Rock Garden, Talking Stick Festival, United Players of Vancouver, Vancouver Historical Society.

2019 – February 20th: 2nd Places That Matter Community Celebration at Heritage Hall 

2018 – February 17th: 1st Places That Matter Community Celebration at Kits House

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